Chrury Sanson


But will the beard fit inside the Oculus?!? D:
lol jk

Good thing I like to be clean shaven. Stubble looks weird on these chibi bodies.

So cool. And it has workshop support for the environment creator!

Even better!

Wonderful. {clap clap}

I don’t normally do multiple entries but, inspired by my brother, I had to put you on a game cover. Or jewel-case as the case may be.


Now playing

Which itself is an homage to the awesome Blame it on 2009 amv.

No kidding. You pretty much have to find a group of like minded individuals to grind a game out if you get a game later. That’s how I total completed Arkham Origins. Granted, if you have a group of friends who play together anyway, this can be fun. Just so long as everyone has the game.

As a steam completionist, I abhor those “play with a dev” achievements. They don’t show any actual skill, they’re all about being at the right place at the right time. Pick up the game a year later? Tough cookies, the dev has probably moved on. Props to Xeinok for getting a game with the FS dev this late but grr, it

ARGLBARGL! I thought we fixed all of those bugs in Cognition. My dev senses really want to track in and try to replicate it. And I haven’t touched the game in a year!

Miegakure will be hitting PS4 and PC some time in the future.

Could be worse. It could be a Hollywood blockbuster directed by Michael Bay.

I don’t know if it’s the art style or what but I read Awkward Zombie’s Geno as voiced by the Puppet King from Teen Titans.

No articulation on the life-size figures? Lame. I was hoping someone could do a superhero version of a “Whose line..” game.

Land-form Shaymin?

[citation needed]

but about very rare items that are still in the game and players can still obtain in one way or another:

TIE Interceptors don’t have a hyperdrive...