Chrury Sanson

Could be worse. It could be a Hollywood blockbuster directed by Michael Bay.

I don’t know if it’s the art style or what but I read Awkward Zombie’s Geno as voiced by the Puppet King from Teen Titans.

No articulation on the life-size figures? Lame. I was hoping someone could do a superhero version of a “Whose line..” game.

Land-form Shaymin?

[citation needed]

but about very rare items that are still in the game and players can still obtain in one way or another:

TIE Interceptors don’t have a hyperdrive...

So not an RPG/SRPG, not competitive multiplayer, not puzzle, and not FTL.

So, how’s the documentation? I’m not likely to try using a game-engine if I can’t read what everything does.

Tenten. Every time.

Are the Naruto versions meant to represent different sports in his life?

Nah see, it’s one pair of fraternal twins, one of which is also one of a pair of identical twins. Makes perfect sense.

Hmm, so maybe I just need to catch up on DC’s animated escapades....

{Not a comic reader} So it looks like JL vs TT uses the um...Teen Titans group of Titans with Beast Boy, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, but Robin calls Batman “father”? Are they grafting Damien Wayne in as this version of Robin?

Good stuff. Shame about the server crowding.


You could probably grok it if you gave it a try. Camera turn speed with a mouse is a lot faster and precise. Changes how you can approach combat encounters. Not too much difference in predator or puzzle sections.

By their metric, I’d put Galactic Battlegrounds right about here.

It does, and I was forced to play some of the game with my 360 pad during one of its more... buggy spells. But I’m sorta your inverse in that I’ve 100%ed all the previous Arkham games (minus Origins:Blackgate) with KB+mouse. Going to a controller at this point would take a lot more time than adapting my muscle memory

Do you play with a controller or KB+Mouse? One thing that occasionally gets me is “Equip gadget” being bound to the same button as “counter” on the mouse. In previous Arkham games you could bind them separately to prevent misfires. No such luck here, even after all the patches.