Chrury Sanson

I can confirm this. I just cleaned my keyboard a couple days ago. I'm always careful not to eat over my keyboard when I have to eat at my desk but still. After two+ years of near-constant use, hair, skin, and dust will build up and start making itself known.

I didn't know that about the card changes. That makes a lot of sense.

aw, come on....The dub had Dan Green and a kickin' theme song. :3

I know I would be interested in a PC release. And I only played the Halo 1 demo.

Chury Sanson — because some of us get it.

ah-ha! ask and ye shall receive.

I could highlight pretty much any part of this cover and say "what?" but I'll just stick with this one.

AW, yeah! I wish he did more of these.

First time entry, Woo!

I say go for it. It's a pretty solid game all the way through. I think what gets fans excited about a sequel is the exploration and explanation of the 11th hour twist(s?). Even I admit, the game is practically begging for one.

Reminds me of Malia Gedde from Gabriel Knight.

Yeah, its perma-death is a drag too. You have to be so careful. And sometimes the RNG messes you up anyway. >_>


That's what annoys me about these sorts of things. In fiction (or adventure games), there HAS to be a method behind the madness. But in real life, there's a large possibility that it just might be and that's it. Art has been built on less. >_>

Perhaps not but bored enough to write a program to generate and upload said videos? That I could buy.

The message is spam but I appreciate the use of alternate characters as dividers.

Was that....a frickin' bomb arrow? o.O

Ha! Reminds me of an old pinball game.