I can see myself using this. While I prefer store buying to avoid paying shipping; if that free Supersaver Shipping stays in place I could avoid non-grocery stores altogether.
I can see myself using this. While I prefer store buying to avoid paying shipping; if that free Supersaver Shipping stays in place I could avoid non-grocery stores altogether.
aw yeah. Took me 5 years+ to get the good ending. That was a good day.
Don't dash my hopes! Just because we haven't heard from the guys on the Myst Movie project since October doesn't mean it will never see the light of day.
It's an "obscure" field of trivia, something pretty much everything has. Yeah, it's an easy question for us because we've consumed other forms of Star Wars media. But if someone had only seen films 4-5-6, Tatooine is mentioned by name, what, 3 times? Maybe? And two of those were in the text-crawl at the beginning?
You know, I could really dig a narrator like that if it were just a tad more polished. The James Earl Jones or Jon St. John-esk epic voices are in way too many trailers. Let us hear the "everyman" who's seen hell. d(^_^)
I understand your job runs you into this, Owen. But you say every gamer has a pile of shame? That's a scary thought.
"Demopan?" :D
Awww. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Ah, X-Wing. To this day, it's my favorite game. Partially because I've yet to finish it. I got as far as halfway through the third campaign.
Well that's a bit rude.
Looking pretty sweet.
They're actually pretty fun on mostly flat roads/sidewalks. Once you're up to speed; you don't need to swerve too wide to keep moving. But they are terrible on any sort of hill, so I doubt you would see one on a hike'n'bike trail.
Ain't that the truth. As much as I enjoy ours, even a relatively weak hill will take five times as long to Trikke up than to just walk up.
Huh. When they said noise, I was thinking they started with the white or pink variety.
The List that the linked list was a response to has a few non-fiction. Things like "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu and "How To Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie, among others.
I wish I could give you more than that. I've read Gatsby a couple times and nothing really caught or gripped me. It probably has something to do with the writing style but I just can't put my finger on what.
That makes a lot more sense than what I thought was wrong (unoptimised level loading).