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Why have I never seen that elastic Grit-It board before? Would've came in really handy during my school days!

You're totally right. The "standard" for appearances is so ridiculous now, it's undeniable that our perception of "beauty"—or even, what a person *should* look like—is helplessly skewed. I mean, even characters that are supposed to be unattractive or "ugly" are not actually so.

Jetsons being Kayne'd? That sh*t crayyy.

+1. Chinese ink drawings have to be one of my favourite art forms. The intuition and skill required blows my mind. They aren't oil paintings that can be reworked over and over—once the brush touches the paper, it's done. These photos are amazing as well. They really do capture the essence of the ink drawings.

I could totally see this being in hipster boutiques and such.

My friend got one as a stocking stuffer last year. Useless? Yes. Fun? Yes.

WHAT. Why am I only learning this now? Mind blown. I'm craving some bananas now just so I can try this.

Pfff, that's no Instagram photo. It's missing at least one of the following: vintage bike, dog dressed (ironically) in a sweater, guitar or fiddle, organic foodstuffs, reclaimed wood floors, indie coffee shop, lens flare from a setting sun...

Totally. Source Code was enticing all the way through and had enough heart to it. I think they did a fantastic job in the execution of the could have easily spun into the realms of cheese and gimmick. As for Fast Five—I agree. It served its intended purpose very, very well.

Hate on them all you want, but Fast Five and Source Code were both wonderful surprises. Glad I saw them on the big screen.

I've never seen any of these. Am I too old?? In general, how much do people truly abbreviate nowadays? With Qwerty keyboards, it's not that difficult to just say what you wanna say. Among my friends and I, we use the typical omg/lol/wtf/lmao/ttyl, but nothing else, really. Do people still use "l8er" and stuff

The 1st gen Nano has to be one of my favourite products of all time. Gorgeous piece of industrial design. I got it back in my highschool days and I was ecstatic. I loved mine dearly but the battery eventually gave out and I replaced it with a Touch. I actually don't like the new touch Nanos at all—I think the

Pei is a genius. And yes I agree, it's actually quite intuitive and simple to align all elements when starting from nothing.

I wouldn't call this type of architectural detailing obsessive. It's more instinctive and even expected from a space that is so minimal. Now if the seam lines were to NOT line up, that would be blatantly obvious and draw more attention to the misalignment.

This one is absolutely brilliant. I really wish we had more artistic movie posters, rather than the generic stern-looking-characters/heads-on-a-dark-background crap that we're so used to.

I like the way you think.

I actually thought he passed away today when I was scrolling through Twitter after work and saw all these posts about him. Wasn't until I went down far enough to finally see a tweet with the word "resign" in it that I realized he had stepped down.

I concur. Personally, I don't think it's necessary to "check-in" to every single damn Starbucks, restaurant, movie theatre, gym, shopping mall etc etc that I visit. I even blocked others from being able to check me into places. The only people that need to know where I am are those that I am physically with at the

Hells yes. Don't really know how it wouldn't be.

I agree...had my (second-hand) 9700 for half a year now and not a single problem so far.