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I smell a bad romcom in the making...

Don't know who he is, but I like this Patton character.

@Lee_Lee: +1. This crush needs not to be perpetuated. Damnit, he's just so supermegafoxyawesome hot.

Just watched Easy A. Her parents: best parents ever??

@bleigh: Oh god, returning stuff on Boxing Day? People should be forced to take a lesson or two in consumer etiquette.

@mutualcraze: Oh hmm maybe my layout is different. Anyways, glad you got it to work!

One would think that we'd be bored with Stiller and Wilson doing their usual gags by now...but nope.

@mutualcraze: On the left navigation box, go to "Friends", then click on the "Edit Friends" button and on the left again should be "Limited Profile". Click on that and it should prompt you with a search bar to add someone.

@Faville: No washroom breaks? Is that even legal? And did you even get the 1.5x or 2x pay or something for working a holiday? Yeesh.

A few years ago I worked Boxing Day at a corner drug store in the 'burbs. Of course, everyone in their right minds flocked to the malls' actual retail stores, so it was actually less busy than usual. Only customers were stragglers that came in for the usual emergency pickups and the odd few stocking up on gift

@Eldritch: I didn't even know banks open on the 26th. Who the hell goes to the bank on Boxing Day?

@krokodil: Right, but this is North America...that's not how it works. BUY BUY BUY BUY

@GirlAnachronism: Emma is so charming, you can't help but love her.

@quatrevingtquatre: I was actually very impressed by Grint's accent - he sounded quite natural!

@SubvertAParadigm: Oh yes, Bed Intruder is definitely noticeably absent from the list!

Lost Missy is probably one of the best gifts to the internet in a very long time. I laughed so hard I was obviously in tears, but I was also sweating and my stomach cringed with pain from laughing so goddamn hard. Ohh God bless that asshole graphic designer.