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While High Club?

Very cool. Reminds me of that brilliant Google ad.

Holy cow. She looks super sophisticated. Stunning!

With the handful of people who can actually afford these—and will probably wear them once or twice before archiving it in their gargantuan closets—I'd say the rest of us are being more sustainable by not purchasing these in the first place.

@SonjaArashi: I agree. Hate the photos. The hair is especially ridiculous and overall the spread is really dull.

See, having a full-time job doesn't necessarily mean that you've matured past high school.

I think it's very tacky, cliched and just icky. Disappointed that GQ had to resort to something like this to try to sell more issues.

Fantastic read. Very good points.

Mmm, it'll smell lovely!

I consider myself a very patient and tolerant person, but good lord does O'Reilly make my blood boil with anything he says. Blood pressures just went up from watching that, ugh.

@deux_yeux: Love productive procrastination! I do it all the time.

That "I Want To Hold Your Hand" montage just killed me. Most beautiful scene on Glee, ever.

Kanye's gonna be jealous.