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@PrettyPrettyPrincess: +1. I don't remember ever growing to love a show in such a small amount of time.

Modern Family wooo!!

"We live in such strange times when bad behaviour sucks up all the attention." Oh so very true, George!

@veekee: Nah! It was hilarious.

Commerical for The American just came on. George Clooney being a badass assassin, doing shirtless pushups...yes please!

@luciolebizarre: That just made me do a very attractive snort-laugh-chuckle combo. Good thing I'm alone.

Hey look, another Twitter update! Guys they're so cool, srsly.

Holy shit, Jimmy's been bad all night, but this is actually making me cringe.

@littlepj: Good thing they've won in the past, or I would've flipped shit.

@queenieinmanhattan: That with the music and everything just gave me chills. Love montages!

Can NPH look/be anymore perfect? Yeesh.

@Phyllis Nefler: Please please please give him a guest spot in the next season??? That would make my life.

@LadyCoCo: He's pretty good on it, from the few episodes I've seen. Though, I think the show in general is just alright. Watchable, but definitely not amazing in my books.

What? No Betty White or NPH speech?

@pashadag: I really hope it sweeps all the categories. I wouldn't be surprised if it does.

A genuine LOL at that Kate Goss moment.

@SarsDoesn'tSave: Ah I totally missed him! I think I'm watching a different coverage...all I saw was Kate Gosselin and Eva Longaria in the last several minutes.