c to

@cheeze-n-razzle: Ha, thanks! But we did bring the world Blackberries, so does that make up for the shaggy-haired brat?

iMacs are just too pretty. I'm actually trying to come up with reasons for why I would need one in the near future.

@whmr: +1. A big part of the Apple empire is built on brand experience and hence, brand loyalty. They are brilliant at making well-designed, user-friendly products that people buy into and gladly pay the premium for. Another thing they've mastered is brand streamlining - having products like iMacs/Macbooks, iPods,

We Canadians apologize to the world for Justin Bieber.

@MVorgitch: Yeah, it doesn't look like the lenses are placed far enough apart to be useful.

@WitDickman: He sure makes us Canadians proud!

I'm not sure who is cuter, Ryan Reynolds or the kid.

Looks like a giant iPod shuffle.

I'm really glad they chose Hemsworth the role - he's definitely the least well known of the bunch, but I love the idea of casting lesser-known actors. Being Thor and Kirk Sr. is pretty awesome!

@CrackedEg (NOlita89): Ha, they might as well. There are printed "designer" diapers now, so why not.

@lodown: I actually couldn't be sure which is which, until a fellow commenter confirmed for me.

@mustlovebooknerd: Haha, thanks. I've actually never made the connection that these two look really similar, nor have I heard this theory before. Anyways, Zooey's prettier, in my opinion.

Zooey is the one on the left, right?? (I actually don't know these two well enough to be sure.)

That's a really nice Photoshop composite, bravo!

@CrackedEg (NOlita89): Right? I mean, "let the beast go" and slipping on a rubber just seems contradictory.

The Larger Hadron Collider?

Great article - possibly one of my favourites on Giz. I agree, we keep churning out tons and tons of shiny new toys, but the lack of diversity is nauseating. Industrial design needs to be celebrated, for sure!

@c to: *always had a way with

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Yeah, that is way too annoying. Someone got too effects-happy with the editing software.

These are truly awesome. Game cinematics have always with concise, action-packed storytelling that really draws you into the universe.