c to

@Forris: I kind of want to see it. Is it worth watching?

I love Apple and all, but isn't this taking it a bit too far?

Is this gourmet cake baked in the dream kitchen built with the baker's own hands?

So in short:

Jesus, you're right - this is one of those things that makes you go "what took so long?"

Maybe if we all stop stroking, pinching and tapping our Apple devices, it wouldn't be so insecure.

Cool, now someone make a full-on corrugated mecha!

Well, he's certainly huge enough. Holy!

@Arken: I've seen a documentary on him and his design process. He sits with his assistant, crumples up /folds paper and tapes them to arranged boxes to design building exteriors. Literally. Indeed! That graph obviously didn't account for those variables.

Somehow, people like using Comic Sans quite regularly...why is that? Because it looks cutesy and seems like it balances the multiple exclamation marks?

Ha! This is awesome. Bravo, kid.

I smell a Pixar movie in the works...

Love these - pitch perfect!

This seems to be a bit of a stretch...Swayze's death is just sad, as is JFK Jr's and Ben Affleck hasn't been doing bad at all—he had one big flop which was Gigli, but have damn, Gone Baby Gone? He has easily redeemed himself. Watch out for The Town, coming up next.

@Arken: So true. I really don't see his appeal...and those bad movies he makes, yuck.

Oh my god - this is all kinds of sad.

Damn, we're an artsy bunch.