
Soooo... it’s literally someone’s stand that wandered in from the jojoverse and got stuck in the pokeverse.

“brevity is the soul of wit”

My personal favorite is the one that recreates the table from the Smash 64 opening movie.

It’s definitely aged. At the time it was the best looking game on the PS2 and people were blown away by it being fully voice-acted even though the performances were uneven. Plus anime tropes hadn’t reached maximum saturation back then so it was more weird than annoying. I still love it for several reasons, but I can’t

I see you are a man of culture, as well....

It’s cute how bad things happening to leftists and atheists is obviously god’s punishment for being dirty sinners, but bad things happenings to conservative christians is obviously a liberal conspiracy. These fuckers and their persecution complex, I swear.

yeah, because that’s the tone of an innocent man

Trump talking about himself in the third person makes me furious. You’d think someone as fat as Trump is would be physically incapable of repeatedly kissing his own ass, but here we are

Hmm, honestly a little more generic than I’d hoped, but he’s still got fuck tons of style. He does look fun though and I’m hoping he can be a good secondary main for me. I give him a presumptive 7/10 sexy punk doctors.

You shut up with your logic and facts! We have powerful women to go after!

I just left a hipster coffee shop.  It was PACKED with former Dallas Cowboys practice squad rejects talking about how shoe companies funnel money to players for NCAA recruiting efforts.

My theory is that Molly saw that Max was about to cough and made the split second decision to blow a little ass, hoping the exceptionally loud sounds of Stephen talking and Max coughing would cover up her shame.  Do you know why no one laughed or looked upset when it happened?  Because it was a girl!  I, and all men,

He should be fine.  Resident Evil taught me that all wounds should be treated with herbs. 

Don’t you mean the “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”?

Let’s all remember who called into a radio show on 9/11 to note that his building was now the tallest in NYC. NEVER FORGET.

“I love you Jesus, but I don’t endorse you”.

“I’m very worried Abrams will ruin what made TLJ so great.”

No offense intended when I ask this, but...were you around in 1980? Because “The Empire Strikes Back” totally rolled off the tongue when I said it back then. 

GM Vlade Divac, who is the architect of one of the most catastrophic trades of all time.

This dude is jockeying for a post-career TNT Inside the NBA regular feature he will call “McCollum Like I See ‘Em.”