Dearest Internet mammals: This is it. After years of faithful service, I’m leaving io9. If you’re reading this, you…
Dearest Internet mammals: This is it. After years of faithful service, I’m leaving io9. If you’re reading this, you…
If you’re familiar with the frequently ridiculous batshit insanity that is the Metal Gear Solid franchise, you’ll…
I dunno, there’s got to be some motivating factor. On the face of it, it sounds like an adaption of the main plot for AC2 — dude needs to stop the Templars, must go back into his ancestor’s memories to learn what he needs to know to stop them — so it’ll probably center around recovering some hitherto unknown tech from…
Pretty clever to set it in the same universe but not adapt one of the games, imo. They can use all the dressing that makes AC interesting without having to worry about being shackled to the incoherent mess of the plots.
Would be cool to see Mads Mikkelsen play someone maybe re-occuring like Dormammu. Perhaps working in tandem with Baron Mordo?
Sumptuary laws are the quaint old laws which made it illegal for peasants to look, eat, or travel in more style than…
Hopefully they learned some lessons from the games and don’t drive the plot off the rails to get lost in the weeds. The story could have gone so many interesting ways, and instead they blew it up and just let it spin its wheels so they can keep making one game a year without working too hard, because writingishard.gif
Didn’t he turn out to be Merlin in one of the old Sylvester McCoy stories?
Snarky Alfred is the best Alfred. BTAS Alfred forever!
Coming Season 3: Impulse!
And in another first look photo, the STAR Labs crew react to a seemingly unwanted arrival offscreen.
She would work if they actually give her a show!
Awww my marriage wasn’t officiated by Wonder Woman! What was even the point?!
If they are Batman and Superman then give me a female hero show to complete the Trinity!
Late to the party, but I loved playing around with seemingly useless spells. Have you every played D&D with a bunch of engineering/physics nerds? Because I have, and once you realized the raw implications of a 1st level spell that cancels sunlight, sticks any object to any other object, or that can carry 500 lbs...…
This week’s episode had a pretty good bit about Zelda, the 3DS and eBay monsters.
Cumberbatch couldn’t be at the event, but sent a video message where he promised “Girls, cars, explosions and a bit of astral projection into multiple dimensions. The usual fare.”
Cap3. Officially 110% gayer than Cap2. I’m so happy!