I am so thankful that the only alergy I have is to shellfish. Only time it’s ever an issue are the extraordinary, spectacularly rare times I’m dragged to some kind of seafood place (which I just plain don’t like and will usually just sit there).
I am so thankful that the only alergy I have is to shellfish. Only time it’s ever an issue are the extraordinary, spectacularly rare times I’m dragged to some kind of seafood place (which I just plain don’t like and will usually just sit there).
The facility at the end was the Theta Protocol Coulson was setting up behind the scenes.
Ultron got a vibranium coating before his fight with Thor.
That.... doesn’t look the healthiest.
I can’t believe that this is how these guys think gamers think.
This got ugly A LOT faster than I thought it would.
My great granduncle or something like that was a Nazi, according to my grandpa.
“I am not a gay fish” - Kanye West
Anything and everything that Induces frenzy. I’ve hit a wall and haven’t played in 3 days because I just can’t get through this part in Nightmare of mensis or something or other and I keep getting frenzied to death.
...... Are those freaking space ships?
That is a really cool Link costume.
My playstyle in both were shields and magic and SLOOOOW CRAAAAWL.
Ooh, I finally have some stories to contribute!