
Now count the number of times Bond’s and Hunt’s antagonists have been former agents gone rogue.

I would’ve called it “Parsec 12" and stick with a Noun Number format Rogue One started.

It reminds me of the theory that the Star Wars saga as it’s being presented is being pulled from the databanks of R2-D2 hundreds of years after the events. Samwell is R2.

Get that kid a trademark hat and a History Channel show, stat!

I assumed any prequels would be about teenage Haymitch winning the contest and young politician Snow rising to power.

The secret: Plants can scream. We just can't hear them.

I would add Small Wonder and Bosom Buddies.

My favorite response: It would just mean a much longer walk.

I can't wait to see his tombstone, assuming he designed it himself.

Joke's on you. My supplier is an alien time traveler with a long scarf who lives in a blue police box.

What's next, a spinoff movie about Shadow, Bilbo's dark, gritty brother that uses guns and has a scarf?

Today I found out Warner Brothers and DC Comics used to be owned by a parking lot slash flooring company. Permit me to make infinite "flattened character" and "lowest level denominator" jokes.

I think we all hope Gallefrey stays tantalizingly out of reach for a long time. I'd expect the Doctor to earnestly search but sabotage himself every time he gets close. A season-long Key to Time - like story arc would be excellent.

I'm surprised this doesn't include the time he punched a guy - Arius - at the Council of Nicea and went to prison where Jesus delivered presents to him.

Please tell me The Giver is actually a remake of "The Guyver" and we've been spelling it wrong?

Let the war of Gallifrey vs. Corellia vs. Vulcan begin anew!

JJ Abrams agrees Star Wars should have a "dirtier" asthetic? Translation: actual smears of mud on the camera the entire movie.

Is Neil deGrasse Tyson being a buzz-kill? There's a certain amount of suspension of disbelief with movies, isn't there? What's the place for exacting scientific accuracy in movies like Gravity, compared to, say, Star Trek or Prometheus?

What JJ Abrams will learn from these rules: 1. Set these movies entirely on Tatooine, Dagobah and Hoth and don't introduce many new worlds. 2. Obstruct everything with lighting effects. 3. Mystery Box! Explain nothing! Tease plot twists and spoiler warnings and never deliver. 4. Advertise it as a kid's movie, then

Thanks for giving me one more excuse to not reward Damon Lindelof for this travesty of a movie.