
Campaign to smear the CDC beginning in one...two...

Well done, you missed the point and became a rape apologist. Congrats!

I'm so sorry. Don't let the trolls mess with your head- you said to stop and those men chose not, and that's exactly what rape is. No "gray" about it.

In my experience of arguing with the MRA/PUA-bots, when you confront them with facts or science (as opposed to evo psych bio-truths) they TL;DR out. Or maybe its Too Dumb; Can't Read. Whatever. Apparently actually knowing what you're talking about is far less satisfying than HURR DURR FEMINISM!!!111!!!

Sadly.... I would take a guess to say the number of women who've been raped is a lot more closer to 50% then 20. With mens somewhere around 15% I would guess.

So, let me get this straight. Almost 20% of women have been raped and almost 50% of women have experienced sexual violence. HALF OF ALL WOMEN. HALF!

This is appalling, but I really think they should not be raising money for Autism Speaks as it, among many problematic things, advocates the use of painful aversion therapy for severely autistic young people.

thank god this 13 year old boy is fighting for the right to tell women what they can and can't do...

I wonder how many of those dudes advising women to never take nude photos of themselves would call their girlfriend a prude bitch if they requested nude photos of her and she said no.

Well, the DA's Office seems to have a good enough idea of what happened to charge the guy with 32 felonies, so for the time being I'm willing take their word for it.

Stupid....the point is that IN THEIR SUGGESTED VERSION OF THE EVENTS it is STILL not an applicable or legal defense in any way.

Please, like an actual thought ever got anywhere near those lumps of semi-rotted taco meat that passes for brain matter sloshing around in their skulls.

My (least) favorite people on Twitter are the morons saying "If women want equal rights why are they pissed if Mack was a guy you'd beat her," because they're all downright **shocked** when I say "No I wouldn't, because normal people don't punch others just because they're mad." That they can't see someone whose

Are you really trying to lump all charities together under your personal standards? Naah, life doesn't work like that. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation said No Effing Thankyou to the Motorboating Manchildren because that is where their thresholds are. These TWO charities have just said No Effing Thankyou to the

I think that Mack's statement that Koppenhaver broke up with her and his contention they were on-again, off-again, speaks to the mentality of the abusive, possessive (ex) partner. It's only on-and-off so that they can come and go as they please. The other party is held hostage to that controlling pendulum. That's

I hope not. No matter the relationship status, beating anyone into a bloody pulp, threatening to rape them and talking about killing them should get the attacker throw into prison for a long time. But, then again, you never know with juries.

Let his epitaph read: "He tried to rape his victim, but could not attain an erection." Rot in prison, limp dick.

They're delicious and fashionable when worn??

It kind of does matter because accepting the money would seem like an encouragement or endorsement of the behaviour that led to the donations in the first place.

if I had to pick a charity I thought would accept it, I'd pick PETA.