
Also, if her getting on a plane was so bad, then why the fuck was all of the staff who could have been exposed allowed to be out and about? I'm sure its level of communicability does not change if you stay in the area where you live and work. FFS.

I'll bet you these are the same people who say that Zoe Quinn abused Eron Gjoni and that therefore all of the harassment against her was justified. But Christy Mack is a whore who was asking for the abuse.

Yes. They did.

Also, 4chan started #notyourshield with fucking sockpuppet accounts. They created fake accounts using stock photos or news photos of white women and women of color, and of men of color to sheild themselves from criticisms of racism and sexism. They have a history of doing this—see #endfathersday and Operation Lolipop.

This deserves all the upvotes.

Yes and it is just like GERMANY UNDER HITLER. /sarcasm

Exactly. His argument is so nonsensical. "If you want things to change, you should spend your hard earned cash on this thing that promotes the very status quo that alienates you." WTF.

You keep saying that feminists don't use or like these things. What proof do you have of this? Sarkeesian actually does play video games. Zoe Quinn plays and develops games. Brianna Wu is a gamer by any definition (except for #gamergate's).

"It just feels like there are more important issues to go after." You know what? If there are more important issues, then the people who are harassing and threatening these women should lay off and focus on those important issues. Though I find it precious that the important shit argument is tossed about in defense of

#gamergate: A first-world problem wrapped in a white whine.

"It's difficult, and I would suggest unwise, to try to coexist peacefully with someone who is working for your destruction."

Gamergaters response to women getting harassed and threatened: Suck it up/You are lying/You did it yourself to get attention/False flag/You're milking it/It's the internet calm down/You were asking for it/That was wrong BUT [insert ways that she deserves it]

She was indeed *accused* of doing that. That accusation was proven to be a false one, yet gaters continue to go around making these false accusations.

1. Game Developer Zoe Quinn accused of trading sex to journalists ***by a spiteful ex-boyfriend who then kinda sorta recanted it*** for positive coverage of her text adventure Depression Quest.

"Religious zealots are far more dangerous IMO than gamer misogynists"

Considering the fact that anti-choice orgs posted the photos and addresses of doctors and staffers at clinics, and several of these people were killed, I think it's a reasonable fear to have when you get threatened when your address is posted on a site that is actively working to fuck with you. Especially when you're

No, that was a load of shit Milo put out there and then retracted when the SFPD confirmed that the FBI was handling the case. But by then, gaters were running with it and screeching and mewling about false flags and fakes—much like they are still running around and insisting that Zoe Quinn slept with Nathan Grayson

You are not making a coherent point.

She and her husband were threatened after 8chan posted their address. This wasn't an insulting tweet with misogynist slurs. Ignoring it doesn't actually work.

And if something happens to them, they'll hear "Well, why didn't you go somewhere safe?"