
Maybe you should stick to games that are shorter. All the games you mentioned are good games in their own right. I'm glad MGS is as long as it is. I would have hated the game if it were shorter. It seems to me that since you don't have the time to play longer games, you want them to be shorter. I suggest you start

It sounds like you've grown out of video games and now you only want games that you can play in short bursts like Candy Crush.

Completely agree , as for Metal Gear though, I have always loved the super long cutscenes and extremely long dialogue. Maybe that's because its a sentimental series for me, but I feel like that's Kojima's culture speaking through the editing and definitely the gameplay. Plus, don't most Japanese and Korean films have

I have more than 500 hours logged on pokemon X.... cause I love breeding them... I usually do it while watching TV or w/e or before bed (it puts me to sleep)

Damn... I was almost positive I was having fun.

You, and others who have written about video game length, make great points, but there is one big difference between game reviewers/pundits and the public: The number of games you play in a year.

As a film editor, you know why there are no 35 minute feature films. It's because nobody would pay full price to go to the theater and watch a 35 minute film, even if it was the greatest 35 minutes.

are you seriously bioshock infinite as an example of this? how does shooting and killing countless guards (and lets not even mention the fact that one single guy somehow manages to destroy a whole city by himself) help the story at all? many people even mentioned how bioshock infinite might have benefited from being a

This doesn't translate to games, but movies these days aren't slow-paced enough, like they used to be. There's no room to breathe. I'd rather watch a 3-hour movie with slow, believable, heart-wrenching scenes than an hour and a half movie where the viewer is basically dragged by his hair through every scene, where

I feel strange saying that I expect and demand BOTH: length AND quality.

I think there's a lot more danger of game companies giving us less content than more. The best games give you lots of high-quality gameplay. There are games where I've had fun for hundreds of hours. Not grinding, not boring, but fun.

Sorry mate, I don't want my games story to be the bare essentials. That's why I love games like Metal Gear Solid.

Then why don't you just play the first 5-10 hours and be done?
I actually enjoyed the entirety of Dead Island and Riptide, so why should my experience be cut short just so you can say you 'beat' a game? This way you can play as much as you want and I can keep playing as long as I want.

Every video game movie ignores gameplay and focuses on lore. It has to, it's the only thing it can focus on.

It was omitted for the last two games as well! Those games sold immensely well. You are nuts. If you are requiring a series to ALWAYS have a female main character there are plenty for you out there. And if there aren't, you can get some friends together and make one. we are all waiting to see how it will turn out

holy crap. You are embarassing. Everything you have said is the definition of entitlement.

Firstly, you and the cute ladies in the silly costumes above, I can say one thing: Ya'll don't make video games. If you ( or anyone else upset with the lack of females in AssCreed ) don't understand how much work it is to add

you and everyone else needs to realize that sure even if this retarded outcry is blowing up the internet, gamers that spend time whining and bitching in forums are a minority of an already pretty small social group around the world (yeah like it or not gaming is still a minority) so while a lot of women gamers, and

i dont even get what you're trying to accomplish. i honestly don't give a damn who you are. im just saying that let the companies create what they want. you are the type of people who forces people to change while at the same time doing nothing to help that cause. you are all bark and no bite. i applaud the creators

Neil Druckmann may be a great game developer but his argument from authority on behalf of Anita Sarkeesian's work doesn't make it any less flawed. If anything, it just makes him look more like a feminist shill.

calm yourself random lady. the last of us was a good game made by people who WANTED to appeal to the female audience. the problem is when you people, with your agendas are FORCING companies to appeal to the female audience. you people are therefore putting them out of their element.