
Mike Melgaard is a troll genius. Super Troll Genius.

You need to invite him to post to Gawker and Gizmodo to elevate the level of discussion and/or trolling.

A really useful and well written article. Thanks for your work.

It’s a Canadian thing. Sorry. ;)

I love Michael Caine for that quote. Thanks for the reminder! :)

Population of China (circa 2013) 1.357 billion.
Population of USA (circa 2014) 0.319 billion.

A really nice analysis - both the original, and your comment.

Doctor Kreiger is that good? ;)

I remember that web site! It was awesome. Thanks for the trip down the memory hole!

Donald Rumsfeld?

Why doesn’t she have her own reality show yet?

Kerberos is the key to unlocking the mystery of Pluto.

Waiting until the first service pack. Nothing ever works right until the first service pack in the world of Windows.

Yes, it spelled the end for Qoleco.

Very informative, thanks!

Having had a flat on my Corolla, I can agree. The tools provided are enough to change a tire in a manly fashion.

You might want to explain what that is to Californians.

I’m sorry for the mess, but I laughed.
Love the caption, also!

Thank you for saying this. It was, to put it another way, a two hour trailer, without the voiceover of “In a world gone mad”...

Tom Hardy was essentially not relevant to the movie, but you couldn’t call the movie “Furiousa”, I imagine. It was a horrible movie, beautifully shot and with brilliant action choreography.

...and delightfully Facebook free. ;)

Thanks. My feelings exactly.