chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

Re: Orlando Bloom
1. If it were me, damn I’d be out of my swimsuit in a hot second. Being naked on a hot day with water chillin while my man paddles me around? BLISS. But I also just enjoy being naked and comfy (especially in hot places). So, it’s really quite great I am not famous because wow that would get in the

She’s thirsty for responding to an interview question?

My first boyfriend’s old boyfriend posed for Playgirl in the late ‘70s wearing an Aztec headdress and nothing else; never got a copy of that photo so this will have to do:

The men’s movement (MRAs) have taken up a crusade against circumcision. If you even type the word in their presence, they froth at the mouth and go into a berserk state. They will gladly conflate male circumcision that leaves men with the ability to achieve orgasm with female circumcision that (mostly) leaves women

don’t say that. the worst nightmare is having your kid die, not having a different neurology. i’m an autistic adult and my life is not hell, i actually get a lot of enjoyment out of being alive. don’t propagate this “autism is worse than death” bullshit.

I’m sure you didn’t mean it that way, but do you really think an otherwise healthy, but neuro-atypical child would be every parent’s worst nightmare?

Thats something I constantly want to scream at some of these people, YOU WERE FULLY VACCINATED.Its like they dont think at all, preferring instead to be afraid of AutismBoogeyman. You were vaccinated, all your friends were vaccinated, yes, that kid you grew up with that you didnt realize until recently was

Because Autism presents itself around the same time as the first round of immunizations. By comparison, many young adults receive a meningitis vaccine before college. Symptoms of severe psychosis typically manifest shortly thereafter, in early adulthood. Could that mean the meningitis vaccine causes psychotic breaks?

I’m old enough to have been warned repeatedly as a child about how to avoid polio (most the methods being totally bullshit old wives tales). I remember how my parents breathed a sigh of relief once the entire family had been vaccinated (a government subsidized program, if I’m not mistaken). I also remember having to

My MIL is an anti-vaxxer. My husband does not have autism but her daughter (his sister) does. Her daughter was also born so very premature and with extensive brain damage, so any chance of “normalcy” was gone from birth, but she claims it was vaccines, even though my husband’s cousins have autism as well. I thought

Anti-Vaxxers should have their children taken away for child endangerment. They (the adults) should be placed on an island and exposed to Bubonic Plague. Let their “natural immunity” develop.

I made a wish while in the shower and it came true within a week. That doesn’t mean showers grant wishes. Correlation is not causation.

My god do none of these lunatics have any relatives that were alive PRIOR to the advent of vacines in the past century? It wasn’t even 100 years ago that people were dying by the tens of thousands to diseases that are all but extinct in most of the world today because of vaccinations. My grandfather had 7 brothers...

The series of MMR vaccines is given at around the age symptoms of autism tend to become noticeable. Kids that aren’t being vaccinated probably aren’t seeing a doctor that’s either paying enough attention or willing to diagnose that child with autism. The prevalence of autism appears to be rising right now because

I watched John Oliver’s show on vaccines last night. He said that vaccines are victims of their own success. I have to agree with him on that. My parents knew children maimed or killed by illnesses vaccines prevented. Both of them had measles and were quarantined. My grandfather’s whole family was killed by the

I’m in exactly the same boat. Could have been happy without him, but I don’t tell people that. I love him down to his wee boots, but my life was fine before. It’s also fine now.

I have given vaginal birth to seven children. I have no regrets! Children are wonderful and have an amazing ability to get us women to stop navel-gazing, and get out there and do some good in the world. I am only improved as a person overall by having children.

I was also not one of those glowy, belly-rubbing preggo ladies. One time, someone asked me (in a very glowy way) what it was like feeling the baby kick from the inside. I told them to imagine holding a live frog in their mouth.

I get what you’re saying, but no and especially no about being more sensitive. When someone has a medical condition they should be excited that they have treatment opinions and that they also have access to them. She was “over insisting” that *her* prescribed drugs were good for her which to me is A-OK since they are