chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

She sucks. She’s a bad joke enabled by a weak sauce press. Just because we have a generous sliding scale of discernment in our Idiocracy, let’s don’t act like she or Trump is some kind of communicational savant.

I stand in favor of Jake Tapper wearing whatever he chooses, though something flame-retardant might be the better part of valor.

You don’t think having no shame about overtly lying is a rather brilliant trick? It seems fairly original to me in a president and his representatives, and I’ve been around since Nixon.

I don’t see anyone saying she seems “nice.” She’s essentially a paid shill, the “charm” and “magnetism” are simply deployed skills in the pursuit of a paycheck.

possessed of an, “airy voice and cheeky sense of humor,” and a “charming and magnetic,” disposition. Nuzzi concedes that “In her capacity as Trump’s spokeswoman, Conway has said many incorrect things.” Actually, she lies.

I’ve worn those hats as well. Cheers!

Post-aneurysm, I thought this a comment of great beauty. Thank you.

Drapes are hung. People are hanged.

I loved this essay about one of my all-time favorite movies, and it’s been made more concrete by your reply. Thank you for that.

I confess, I’m a little puzzled at the motivations of someone posting on a five-year-old murder story suggesting the killer was just mixed up.

Alexander Hamilton had a few thoughts on this matter. Unprincipled men may occasionally seize the reins of power and “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”

This was kind of a nothingburger, in terms of shocking revelations. But it did serve to remind us that a billionaire plutocrat is at the helm of the nation, scheming to make the tax code and the health care system ever more kind to billionaire plutocrats and ever more cruel to the great unwashed masses who don’t seem

The Germans steamrolled it in like a week.

Dingell is one of my favorite twitter accounts. He’s hilarious, incisive, cutting, has a way of framing things in ways that make you both laugh and go “holy shit, that’s it exactly!” :)

I thought retired congressman John Dingell summed it up nicely:

Thanks for keeping us updated on this, Megan. This is important stuff. They’re making it more difficult to challenge, but no matter how they wriggle, it still stinks as a “Muslim ban.” As evidenced by

60 year old men in locker rooms will literally sit on a wood bench bare ass naked with only their socks on and read an analogue newspaper.

My attitudes are a little dated, I’m sure. I just remember the days of Japanese millionaires coming over and pointing at the houses they wanted to buy. I guess that bubble has long since burst, been on the mainland too long. :)

Did not know that, thanks!

Deftly handled, and should make for an interesting day tomorrow. Give ‘em hell out there on the front lines!