chritter is a nocturnal feminist mancatfish

I hope that doesn’t happen. Education needs nothing more than the contributions of those who both love it and are good at it.

I wish you luck. I have a lot of friends in academics, and I don’t envy them or any of you, it sounds like a really tough row to hoe. But we here in the Jez comment section are clearly the crème de la crème, so I have no doubt you’ll find something to your liking. :)

Taxes are the price we pay to have a compassionate, functioning society where revolutions aren’t a regular thing and we’re not regularly hoisting the heads of billionaire robber barons to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge.

I hear you. Our New York bubble is strong, and welcoming to strivers and dreamers from everywhere. I’m a NY immigrant myself. You want to see a president who’s a pariah in his own hometown, who could barely muster 10% of the vote in his home county? Come here.

I don’t agree. I think he’s deeply passionate about it, as he was passionate about using all his political capital as a new electee to strong-arm marriage equality through the legislature (with a little help from his friend Bloomberg). I don’t think he’s a particularly good faker, and it’s hard to fake that kind of

Our governor in New York, whatever you think of him, has been resolute on this front. No surrender. All are welcome. We’ll find our own money.

Beat me to it. They’ve pinged Bannon as the Grim Reaper, not as a movie reference.

It’s great that you’re so sanguine. Many serious scholars aren’t quite so dismissive.

“Queen? Super-classy, smells like money. Failed Parliament could take a lesson! Useless!”

A drink apiece is pretty much the whole purpose of Sunday brunch.

Dylan Thomas would have had seven of each, then headed to the White Horse for some real drinking.

Next time. ;-)

Lyric comprehension FAIL. :P

Birds and trees and ponds are wonderfully refreshing. I watch the working boats plying up and down my waterway (there’s a tugboat named “Mr. T”!), and watch the cormorants fishing and the gulls and herons and geese going about their business. Self-care is vital.

Hahaha, you are of course entirely correct. Pardon the overstatement, it’s past midnight.

Me too. When Nixon lost Uncle Walter, he knew the jig was up.

Acorn doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

And the way Reaganauts used to sing “Born in the U.S.A.,” utterly unaware of the irony.

Nobody who was watching was unaware of her politics. Nobody who was watching was unaware of the significance of “This Land Is Your Land” or “Born This Way.” NFL lawyers surely had her locked up in ten thousand clauses of “Don’t Be Political,” which she had to sign or no deal.

I can even see Mike Pence, who was in attendance, humming along cluelessly to “Born This Way.”