Ethan Hawke prefers to make art movies like The Purge, 24 Hours To Live, and Daybreakers.
Ethan Hawke prefers to make art movies like The Purge, 24 Hours To Live, and Daybreakers.
Now we have the problem that they tell is 2001 is a great movie. Well it’s a great sci-fi movie but it’s still got people in space and a robot trying to kill them.
He chose the wrong super-hero movie to go after.
You’d actually be surprised how liberal and open minded comic fans are, but sure, generalize because you want to feel superior. Most fandoms have loud terrible voices, but they’re usually a minority. The values comics are built on are quite liberal when it comes right down to it, just like Star Wars. There are vocal…
On the other hand, it should be pointed out that the Marvel movies make a point, probably intentionally, that strength and violence don’t actually solve all your problems. In fact, in spite of all their strengths their almost-omnipotence the protagonists fail in spectacular ways in Age of Ultron, Civil War and…
Logan, in particular, was about facing mortality and reckoning with a life’s work and purpose. I don’t know what could be more human than that.
You meant to be funny, but it came out as sage advice....
The guy who painted his face brown while talking to Mexicans? You may want to rethink that statement.
I Don’t know what I’ve been told
The world would be a better place if we could wear each other’s pants every now and then.
Well how much confidence could you have wearing someone else’s pants?
I will never have as much confidence as that guy does wearing his pants.
Junior Non-Commissioned Officers everywhere will now be pantsless.
Someone, somewhere is receiving this news with a building flush of wild defiance. “Not this spaceboy”, he thinks. Immediately, the ‘JNCO Reclamation and Refurbishment Project’ begins to form around the edges of his mind. He will not enslave himself in the ball-constricting pants of society. He will build a grand and…
Even Mitt Romney wouldn’t be caught wearing JNCOs.
It was apparently a performance issue
Maybe it was stuck because it didn’t have enough factory lube?
Couldn’t get the D to auto-extend, can’t do much with that.
Looks like they couldn't handle the D.