
Around here (Southern California) all the paper routes are held by adults. They aren’t for kids any more, they’re for adults scraping by holding multiple jobs doing whatever they can get.

Guys in their 40s were in their 20s when the first Gran Turismo hit. He should know.

You don’t like this misguided clusterfun that mixes oversized lightweight serif with multiple weights of sanserifs? It’s like a freakin’ student design project before they get the first round of feedback. Come on! Serifs are fine for decorative and title use, but it’s 2015, why would you use them for all the content?

I feel ya. I’m 45 and still can’t manage anything approaching a proper beard.

Reg Tidswell, you’re my hero.

Wait until Jimmy hears about sports. It’s the best kept secret about people watching other people play games.

So does your son talk to his kids about what it means when two naked girls eat other’s feces and have sex? When did you have that talk with him? Before or after he watched the video? Did you show it to him or let him free-range discover it? Because that is exactly what every kid is seeing very quickly now.

What does that mean? Ask them? Just have conversations about it? Do you have kids? Even in the best cases, it isn’t easy to get them to open up when they’re not in the mood. My 10 y.o. daughter - who is pretty effing delightful on the spectrum of dealing with kids - chooses when she want to be garrulous and when she

I’m 6’5” too and fit fine in a 911. If he’s taller than us, then he needs to give up any sports car hopes.

She’s an attorney. She has to dress for court appearances.

How do the manufacturers react to a race driver reviewing their performance-packaged cars?

Drink with? Definitely James Hunt. If I was going to just spend sober time hanging out with someone, then I’d pick Jackie Stewart.

Merely pointing out inaccuracies in the statements of people (who would be best advised to stay away from opinions on military matters they clearly haven’t given substantial thought to) isn’t inherently taking a political side. Despite media efforts (on both sides of the aisle) to hide that such people exist, there

Yeah, you’re right. Ted Cruz’s facile response to the complexities of counter-terrorism is much more insightful than that of CJCS.

The new Dirt Rally is getting good reviews in the sim racing world.

Is the FOV adjustable? I can’t stand it when a game forced a wide FOV into a screen experience that should realistically only show about 45 deg. It’s nice to look through the corners, of course, but not worth the price of losing a sense of distance.

Sometimes it’s just about respecting people around you. Loud pipes aren’t. They’re an intention FU to others on the roads and nearby.

I never had a problem with Tanner. He wasn’t the most dynamic onscreen persona, but he’s a legit driver and is affable enough that it didn’t detract. Rutledge always had good presence.

I’m afraid I didn’t last nearly that long. I gave up by the end of season 2. I got tired of too many blown out shots that they tried to hide with extreme color timings.

Those of us who did watch it realized that it was a poorly shot, cheaply produced, badly edited show that couldn’t hold a candle to the original. The BBC version had more than 10 times the budget and a much more efficient established machine to do it all with. The US version hired a bunch of cheap guys and gave them