
Having driven all over the world, I’ve never had a problem with the signs being in a foreign language. Even in Japan where I couldn’t read the location names at all, it wasn’t a problem to figure out how to drive safely. Might have made a few wrong turns, though.

The DMV is too depressing (it’s where you go to work when you’ve given up on life, but don’t have the commitment to stick to a homeless, meth-addled life on the streets). I do everything I can through AAA.

Is Saab anything more than a handful of lawyers managing the name and patents at this point?

Cool. That is a definite improvement to all of those Chevys I’m still not interested in.

Agreed, but the right does have a monopoly on making a political claim to traditional manliness. That’s never been part of the liberal agenda.

These idiots ended up being the helpless ninnies that they say American men are becoming. I can change a tire without committe, so can my 9 year old daughter. I assume, by your presence here, you can too, right? But the point of the damn segment is that this is something every man needs to be able to do. So why

I had no idea that Vettel was that tall. Thanks for the info!

QNX has been around for ever. It’s designed to be an embedded system.

And those are F1 drivers he’s standing next to - they’re generally pretty short themselves.

Actual line from a recent Game of Thrones episode. Uttered by the pictured pirate.

What is this rust you speak of? It doesn’t seem to grow in southern California.

If Jalopnik weren’t a site that manufacturers were constantly wary of, then a lot of us wouldn’t bother reading. There’s no shortage of glossy mags re-editing press release copy every month. I think they’re all have trouble retaining readership while you guys are growing. Make of that what you will.

You joke, and yet...if Honda actually made a mid-engine RWD civic, every Jalop would be lining up for one.

The Jalop system corrected the wrong. The cops had to grudgingly acknowledge it.

In aggregate, are they likely to respond any worse than people who veer into oncoming traffic to avoid a kitten? An autonomous car can at least be relied upon to adhere to a preset hierarchy of values and weigh them as instructed. Human drivers are much less dependable.

Yep. I’ve made plenty of hash browns from scratch. They’re never gonna be as good as a tot. Tomorrow morning, you’ll find me smashing tots in waffle iron to try this out.

The third world is a dangerous place. Don’t just his culture just because it breeds crime.

I dunno, if they promised a track designed by anyone-other-than-Hermann-Tilke, I could probably get behind an Iranian GP.

What?! You don’t want to work in a specialty where both parties are guaranteed to be unhappy at the end? It’s also the area of law that results in the most death threats and attacks against attorneys. Sounding better now?

God, I love that game!