
Yeah I thought that too...wasn’t it clear what the reporter was actually trying to do? She was giving him an open. But instead it flew over his head and he got upset about it. I mean, rightfully because asking about a presidential candidate’s hair is ridiculous. But it just shows that he has blind spots. A lot of his

to be fair, it was a dumb “buzz-y” way to make her point

If that’s the case, you should understand that if someone wants to rape, they will rape, and it won’t be because of their hormones or because they are around the opposite sex a lot. Therefore the idea that the co-ed institution is the problem is inaccurate.

Right, because Greg Haidl and his friends totally didn’t think that way. They lived at home with their parents and raped a classmate on camera. Try again.

Also, fuck your logic that its inedible that boy’s will rape if given the opportunity because of “hormones”. People don’t rape because they have sex drives. Good fucking god.

I went to another of the Eight Schools about 25 years ago. It was also coed. When we visited the rooms of the opposite sex, we had to sign in with the dorm mother/father, keep the door open and a supermajority of legs had to be on the floor at all times. You could get into trouble for doing things as innocent as

Teenage hormones and proximity are not to blame for rape. Wanting to rape is to blame for rape. This kind of shit happens all the time at regular high schools, where boys and girls don’t spend 24/7 together. I agree that the school should have been proactive about this terrible “Senior Salute” thing, but the idea that

I really think this is the wrong way to look at this. You’re removing the responsibility of the rapist in this context. Yes, hormones are running wild for both sexes, and sex will happen. Rape is inexcusable and not a byproduct of teenage hormones. This thought process is part of what perpetuates rape culture.

I’m sorry, but this is asinine. Not only are dorms set up in a manner so that they are as well supervised as possible, but this is an issue of consent and consent education. Rape doesn’t just happen because hormones and close proximity.

No. Rape won’t “eventually happen” if kids are taught respect and consent and in general how to be a decent human being.

As Speaker of the Senate, you had the real power.

Why single out Trump, though? Have any of the nominees done the math? Have any of the dyed in the wool supporters done the math? Has Fox News done the math?

Personally I think a Sanders v. Trump presidential election would shatter the ratings!

Sadly, we’ve managed to elect a shit executive council, and John Sununu cast the deciding vote. He has supported women and their reproductive rights in the past, but it appears that he is gearing up for a run for governor and is shoring up his republican base with this move.

Wow this hurts.

Ok The News are the only organisation reporting on this story, but isn’t this new story just as bad as the previous one? Now we have anonymous friends of the alleged victim saying that she would “never lie about something like that”, and she’s definitely not a ‘golddigger’. These comments are just as prejudicial as

As a reporter who until recently covered crime at a similarly-sized newspaper to the Buffalo News, I’m perplexed as to how Croce’s account came to be presented the way it was. A story of this importance, even in this era of fewer checks and balances in newsrooms, had to have been read by several editors, all of whom

The victim blaming allowed by the Buffalo News was disgusting. First and foremost, hanging on someone doesn’t equal consent. Secondly, Croce doesn’t even know if that is the same woman as the unnamed victim!

Your story checks out, now who do I vote and yell a lot for?