
This is the first time a Jets player has been publicly cold-cocked since Brett Favre sent that picture to Jenn Sterger from the team’s ice-bath.

Can we list the entire fucking City of New York? Holy shit, a million songs, a million patriotic poems, everyone across the globe sucking its cock, and when I finally go see for the first time at age 26...

Please tell me you didn't just call Caitlyn Jenner a worthless fuck. I think you might be the worthless fuck

image of said person.

Biggest surprise of this whole story, the kid was not American.

“We need to stay with the people that protect us”

guys don’t take selfies? The intent of my jibe was aimed at the vapidity of teens in general, but I see how it can be misconstrued. Apologies.

lexi gurl do literally anything else


she looks 13 because she’s going a horrified puss on her face because of the scary black people she’s seeing.

I hope that one day she will look back on this with regret and shame, but I’m not holding my breath.

She’s 19???

As long as there is plenty of time for infants to select parents with good job security and planning skills. Preferably women in their early twenties who have had the foresight to chose their best career as a teenager and work there continuously.

The Canadian system would require a huge expansion of the welfare system to pay for it. That’s a non-starter.

Hey, now — this ONE company (Netflix) is instituting a generally not so crappy policy, so that ONE company proves her point.

I think that a policy like that would significantly increase the wage gap between men and women. Women who wanted to have a family would be a much weaker bargaining position than men, because changing jobs or getting fired would reset the maternity leave clock.

What about low-wage industries that traditionally have high turnover rates? With the industry I work in right now, it’s extremely rare for people to be employed with one company for more than two years, maximum. I even once had an old boss say that the longest anyone should spend in one place (within the industry) is

No, but seriously - why not a Canadian-style system? It always seems to be nothing vs. business covers the whole tab. There are alternatives.

This is the only reason why Carly Fiorina exists as a candidate in any capacity. It is literally so the Republican party can point to a woman who supports anti-woman policies and say , “SEE? My female friends say they don’t even want it!” It’s the same for Ben Carson. “My BLACK friend said he thinks ALL LIVES MATTER.”