Totally with you, but NYC trumps Mass in terms of skill. And NYC drivers even signal!
Totally with you, but NYC trumps Mass in terms of skill. And NYC drivers even signal!
I like having SOME night life in my life beyond Backstage and OnTap...
Ugh don't remind me. I live on North Winooski Ave and it's like a parade of Swedish rust driven by shiny faced fucktwits.
Thats why I went with the rustbucket Subies that never leave the boundaries of UVM.
Gotta go with the rusted out Subie as a hipster mobile around Burlington VT. While easily blending in with the rest of the car population, the rusted college special never leaves the city limits to go out and play in the snow, and is most often found parked like a complete jackass downtown at an expired meter.
As I'm recently single and want to present a decent face to the world, every time I do laundry sheets get done. About every two weeks max (I run out of clothes by then by design.)
I figured as much. Not sure how a Disney movie-to-book transition would go. They edit the crap out of book-to-movies...
A novelization of the Disney Movie classic Hocus Pocus?!
I thought it was getting warmer because of the homosexuals allowing Satan to stoke the fires of hell on Earth?
So long as you guys keep coming down to Burlington and spending your money here...
I thought it was the "I can't fart when you're looking" face.
You should have worked up in VT. You'd have the pleasure of telling the driver, on the phone, "That's outside my service range. Go talk to Farmer John at suchandsuch address, he might be nice to you."
I'm not saying I don't know it's there. I'm more commenting on how this is considered a song. It's not even like it's a genre I don't like but which I can appreciate the muscianship. This just sucks.
Wait, that's a #1 song? What the fuck?
Totally on board with this, and what I thought this article was about too.