
I shoot British motorcycles. My boss frowned because our studio always has oil all over the floor when I'm done...

That depends on who you get at the collection agency that determines if $750 a month to your folks is actual rent. When I was working at my former agency, you could get the agents who were complete assholes about that kind of thing and were "Well, family is free..."

By far one of the best looking white cars ever.

This photo in relation to the one you posted immediately prior makes it look like that's the pug's reaction to Scully...

Income based repayment is based on the idea that you have nothing to pay back. If you suddenly get the means to pay it back, IBR gets adjusted. As it should be, but your statement almost makes it look like you can just get it discharged entirely, which is not true.

They're worse on the Facebook post for this...

It's sneakier than that. Debtor's prisons are entirely on the taxpayer's burden. Wage garnishments, taking away disability payments, taking tax refunds, all of those are pro-active income earners, and they are recurring, without limits, for the length of time it takes for the defaulted loan to be paid back in full

I graduated college, and moved back home to Buffalo NY. The first job I could get was collecting on defaulted student loans for the federal government.

I will go hungry and homeless before I "forget" my student loans. The punishments are draconian.


I love the bad captions. An Alfa that "Breaks."

If only I were old enough for NickNews!

I'd like to dub your entire first paragraph "reddit-ism"...

I dunno, I miss the bed my ex had. It was big enough for me and the German Shepherd I essentially took care of to snuggle in the morning after she left, my only time to myself.


Apathy is how it's getting into the real world. The Geurilla Grrrls and others in the early 80s (and earlier, to be honest) were really adept at seeing the affects of a great economy and general distractions on the majority of people, and made sure to go get out there and get their message in people's faces ("or beat

It's called anonymity. It's a lot harder to be an asshole to someone if their target has the physical possibility to punch them right in the face. Now, I'm not saying that's the best way to deal with trolls. But there's a human instinct not to provoke a threat.

Strangely enough I was just at a balloon festival saturday, following a chase team around. Thank god this didn't happen.

Christ look at the tires thin out at max speed.

Yes. But wagons are always sexy.