Tooling around Vermont in my XJ just feels right. It hauls all the photo gear I need and makes it up the ski resort access roads. I love it, and I'll miss it when it's gone...
Tooling around Vermont in my XJ just feels right. It hauls all the photo gear I need and makes it up the ski resort access roads. I love it, and I'll miss it when it's gone...
It's funny...I ended up going to school for photography because my dad was learning to be a retoucher and do photo restoration as his retirement gig. I learned at his knee from Photoshop 4 the skills I use today. I learned so much about our family because he actually took thousands of dollars of classes (paid by his…
Young Rachel Weisz. Hmmmmm.
They're probably gone way the hell up in price...
Totally! And as I said, it's great just to have it be an ongoing discussion. Things you never even thought you'd try, let alone like, are openly discussed without prejudices and honest decisions are made.
These campaigns are very successful. The moment they come up, the person proposing them automatically is stopping himself from being with anyone who would take part in those acts ever again.
The two Corgis that come to work are the gassiest assholes in the world.
It's been a long week so I thought you were directing that at me specifically! Hah! I was VERY confused.
For sure! If it goes nowhere, at least it makes folding socks less mind numbing! Hahaha
Longevity in sex (which is pretty much a metaphor for life) comes from communication. Communication is growth. When there's no communication, there's no growth.
I want my partner to be happy. If she's happy with not orgasming during sex, that's fine by me. It's not like there's some cosmic pinball machine in the sky dinging away every time I'm humping.
I guess I'm just weird then? I dunno. Being open about it and not really trying to overdo things only came from a lot of talking, started by me and started by my partner in multiple conversations. Without feedback how am I supposed to get better, and know what my partners like?
Talking about it NOT in bed is the difference, at least for me. My first few partners and I would discuss right after sex, and that ended up being a huge mistake. I was so hyper intent on being the Oprah of orgasms that I ended up annoying the crap out of my partners (just like you said.) When some others and I would…
As a dude, I'd probably love this. Not because "hurrr manly" but sex should be sweaty, fluidly, gross, and hilarious.
As I said in a few replies to others, I both had a relationship in which it was ok that my ex did not orgasm because she said she was still having an awesome time, and had times where I faked it myself because the things that I tried to communicate would fall flat, so it was easier to fake it.
Not being able to…
Been there, done that. While not the reason why that relationship ended, faking was the result of bad communication (which WAS the reason why it ended.)
This is where you talk about what you need to have a good time. Not necessarily to have an orgasm; just to have as much fun as you want. If having an orgasm is important every time, you gotta help us guys out so we can cross that finish line and sexually high five.
I gotta say that as bad as my last relationship was…
Angola? I graduated Lake Shore in 2005 :) I actually worked at Connors for 7 years, so if your drunk ass bought a hot dog between 2002 to 2007, I likely fed it to you.
+fucking 1 man.