
The house where I grew up was pretty new - way newer than any of the other houses on the block. A typical one-story ranch house that you might see in any stretch of American suburbia. Likewise, all the furniture in the house was pretty par for the course. My room had a little-kid bed, a nightstand, a table and chairs

This isn’t my story, personally, but it’s one that has kicked around my family for so long that it definitely feels like it’s mine. It’s been told and re-told, but I do think that the central details are very solid.

I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.

My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I have many paranormal stories but here’s one.

This story happened to my brother (Chris), about two years ago.