
Tell that to the charred skeletons of Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun, and an entire Sandcrawler of Jawas.

The old republic wasn't shaky. It lasted over 25,000 years. And every government is corruptible. Especially if you have Twi'leks in positions of power. They aren't bringing their best. Some of them, I assume, are good people…

They need to do a live action version of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon, and let him play Venger. That was bad ass.

The only part of the first one I like is the scene where they are arriving. Good camera work. Nice feelings of nostalgia. And that part with the glowing sword. Because of the sword. The rest of it, and anything without a giant robot is garbage.

Tarkin even calls him 'friend' at one point. So they had a good working relationship.

I always got the sense that they were more or less equals. And Vader just followed a couple of orders out of loyalty to the Emperor. But Vader pretty much did whatever he wanted to do. He could have literally killed Tarkin with a thought and suffered no consequences.

Well, I voted for Hillary, but I can kind of understand Trump supporters. Picture an issue that you're passionate about. Let's say… Climate change. You and I think it's an important issue, that will eventually affect everyone on the planet. Picture bringing it up to Trump or Bush, or really anyone with oil ties.

Because Trump refused to feel or exhibit shame in anything. Picture any other politician getting caught saying stupid and/or racist things. He or she would send out "I'm sorry to those that were offended by my thoughtless remarks. They do not represent me or my long history of…." whatever.
Trump isn't like that. If

He's going to do his Kanye Best

They used to be clones. But about 15 years BBY, there was a minor rebellion on Kamino, and the Emperor realized that having ALL of his troops come from one planet was a problem. So he started recruiting some soldiers, and taking children to raise as soldiers. *pushes up glasses, adjusts pocket protector*

Remember when people wanted Peter Jackson to change the title of The Two Towers because of 9/11? I groaned about that.

I go conservative websites because I like seeing the insanity. They were actually angry about the black character. They were calling it "diversity for diversity's sake". My favorite quote: "Aren't stormtroopers clones? Who is he a clone of? Dr. Funkenstien?" Real winners there.
I thought Finn had a great story.

They view themselves as the good guys. Obama, Hillary, ect are evil Marxists that are out to destroy the Holy Church, and with it, America. They want to force gay acceptance and oppress good, God fearing people into baking cakes against their will. Because freedom of association is everything, over and above human

So they're coming out with a new Spider-Man movie. And Ironman is in it. Crazy, huh? Also wild that the avengers were robbing that bank. I can't wait to see what lead to that.

I noticed a lot of bad camera work in this one. That scene where Tracy is trying to get everyone on board and Link punking out on her had 2 camera angles. One was normal, the other was shaking all over the place, like a Michael Bay action scene.

I think it's going to be Aegon Targaryen. He pretended to die so he could get out of his oath with the Night's Watch. Once someone says "his watch has ended", he's free forever. That's how Ned's bastard got out of it.

Millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne? Or maybe the Batman? Two completely different people, I know. But similar lack of sexual interest in psychotics.

Throne room scene at the end of A New Hope. There were bits of metal and other debris in the atmosphere of Yavin IV, but no Death Star.

We'll make 2 movies now, and the sequel when we get to Alderaan.

So like a kids' version of Repo Men. That sounds entertaining as hell. I can't wait.