
Aaron Douglas was in one episode of The Flash, as the Turtle. And most of the BSG alumni were in Andromeda at one point or another before BSG even started.

There was the scene in the first episode, just before the ship left Deep Space Nine. She was flirting with her fiancee. She's about to sign off and he says "Ok, I won't bother you any more." she says "You never bother me. Except in ways I like to be bothered." in a flirty way.

I still have one pillow case from that set, purchased by my parents. Had them on my bed when I was a kid in the early 80's. My son uses it now.

I have a VHS of star wars without any of the special edition garbage. The quality is laughably bad, but it's great for the nostalgia.

I think the Guns n Roses song "Civil War" should have been used in the movie Glory. It's just perfectly on the nose.

I'd like a Little Mermaid remake, but done in CGI with graphics like Finding Nemo. I think it would be absolutely gorgeous.

Don't forget Marvel's Civil War and Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. Disney properties.

What else is the hero going to do? James Tiberius Kirk sits on the bridge of the Enterprise for 2 hours, filling out reports, watching Uhura and Spock bickering like an old married couple, but with logic?

"Commander Riker to the bridge"

Because the first trailer made it look like Generic Sci-Fi Actioner #4. Didn't feel like Star Trek at all. It could have been Andromeda, for all we could see (horrified shudder).

One of the guys in the second one went to his neighbor before the Purge started and said that he's going to take this opportunity to rape her. I was happy to see him get gunned down randomly when he tried.

Christine was an idiot for thinking the Phantom was her dead father. Though Meg was stunning.

What if you mortally wound someone, and they die in the ER 2 hours after the purge ends? Are you charged with the murder because they died later? Or are you free because the injury happened during the purge?

We've got to get a scene with Dany and Melisandre. I mean, Dany is someone that has been within flames and emerged unscathed. I mean, this is Lord of Light 101 stuff right here.

"Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead."

Most Targs are not fireproof. But Daenerys has done a lot of things that show she's at least 70.4% fireproof. Her first scene, she walked into bathwater her handmaiden said was too hot.

I think the Mountain could dual-wield greathorses.

I can usually tell when a movie uses fake dinosaurs.

Ice skating scene in Inside Out. That soft piano. It's just beautiful.

None of my kids' Toy Story toys got boxed up. Woody and Jesse are sitting on the bookshelf, with their legs dangling over the side. They never get thrown around or Buzz is standing on top, getting a good view of the room, making sure Emperor Zurg isn't going to get a drop on anyone.