
I saw Avatar for the first time on my computer screen. It was ok.But I did like the story.

Avatar certainly has better special effects than War Games or Boys on the side. Wow.

Glad Microsoft didn't buy Sun. Everyone would be looking up, expecting it to crash.

There is a scene where the time travelers are watching an earlier version of themselves. The future girl sees past guy check out her past self's ass. She calls him on it. He stammers and admits he was.

My last name rhymes with Kirk. You better believe I did.

Go back in time, and kill Hitler 40 seconds before he kills himself in the bunker. That way, he is killed by one of the Allies, and not a member of the Axis powers. It makes a difference.

But then you have to listen to Stephen King repeat "Time is obstinate " 200 times.

Some of the Wonder Woman shots are from the unaired pilot with Sam Winchester's wife. The other are from the trailer for the game "DC Universe".

I saw a stage version of this when I was a kid. I have memories of the narrator being eaten by a dragon or a giant at the beginning of the second act, forcing the characters to make up the story on their own. Is that real? Or have my years of drinking caught up with me?


I don't know much about the Flash's story, but are Barry and Wally West somehow related? If Iris and Berry going to be together?

He has the suit and the voice, and he 'a lying about his physical abilities. He has knowledge of the future. That 's circumstantial evidence. If I heard the voice during Bimgo, I wouldn't think anything of it.

But his voice when he said "merry Christmas" was just like Banana Flash.

I liked the idea of Helix. But watching the first 3 episodes was a slog. I haven't even finished it.

"Now JUMP!"
"We usually say 'clear', but whatever. CLEAR!"

You ever wonder how characters in later seasons of their show would react to finding themselves back in the first season? Would Buffy of season 7 be able to defeat the Master easier? How would Matt Smith's Doctor handle the defense of Satellite 5 better than Chris Eccelston? What would Janeway do if she found herself

The guy in the cell never existed. As Will was packing his stuff, we saw the picture, and it was the dad. We also saw that the other bunk had never been slept in. And Will said earlier that he was supposed to be in solitary. This was a Henry Morgan thing. During the episode, I thought the cellmate was undercover


My wife can't stand the word 'moist'.

Un-fuck Hallie. She was right. She got a good job at a place that's different from ACN. Jim was being an ass. Just be happy for your girlfriend that she was able to turn her mistake that got her (rightly) fired into success.