
Is it just me or does Khal Moro look like Steph from Deftones? It's all I can think about whenever I see him on screen.

More importantly: where's the sequel? This game introduced so many cool ideas that if/when they come out with the second one, I'll be extremely excited.

Osiris Rising: Guardians of Unnecessary Subtitling

I bought The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth for my X1 last week and after going -45, beat Mom for the first time the other night without using a seed. I felt a sense of achievement that I haven't had in a long time from a game. I never played it or any other rogue-like before, so I've been using the wiki to help wrap my

I just re-watched Pan's Labyrinth very recently and there is an excellent argument for it to be one of the best fantasy movies of the 21st century, but aside from the one scene at the feast, there's no 'horror' in it—some dread, sure. Even my fiancee, who had never seen it and is a big weenie when it comes to scary

I mean you can see it as the uncomfortably gross nature of fans being delighted by pointless violence. And maybe I'm a dick, but I laughed at it, especially since the trajectory and velocity showcased some especially terrible CG.

You had hopes it would be good before?

I like Ed Helms, as a personality. As in he seems like a really nice dude, based on a Nerdist podcast I heard last year. But I don't know what his 'thing' is, other than being the really nice/nerdy/banjo guy who occasionally gets so frazzled he punched a whole in the wall.

I totally agree about the actual worlds - they're great. But I hate that I get so bogged down with things to do that I forget to enjoy the world I'm supposed to be exploring. Pretty much like real life, really.

I won't say I get anxious, but definitely feel the paralysis of choice with RPGs especially. I remember playing Mass Effect 2 and thinking there was so much to do but it felt more streamlined as to me, the only thing I had to grind/whittle away at was mining planets and completing the few side quests that I stumbled

I thought they said it was two months, but either way for him to not even mention that it would be a minor conflict of his interest seemed strange. Oh well.

I thought they were OK episodes. But for a show that usually cares about the little details, it drove me insane that they were positioning Ben to be the mayor WHEN HE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF RUNNING FOR THE HOUSE. I get that they need emotional stakes/callbacks/etc., but they spent some capital during this final season

That sucks about Jupiter, but I knew it was going to happen - there were like 20 people in the IMAX along with m'lady and I yesterday afternoon. I thought it was decent, but knew it would be too weird for the masses. I just hate that the bomb prevents future strange/reaching/insane sci-fi movies from being made in the

Wolf of Wall Street: a complete blast, a super fun movie that didn't feel close to three hours and could be my favorite movie I've seen this year.

ESPN had to have planned this well in advance: Farrell was all over the Dan Patrick Show today and having him on both shows seems extremely unlikely, due to the fact that ESPN would rather show women's ice hockey than share anything with DP.