
"Cleopatra has been dead for over 2000 years."

So you know how to sometimes films/TV shows/radio serials show chaotic but efficient kitchens and the camera's cutting between things like people shaking frying pans and dropping things into pots and cutting stuff super fast and starting flames?

I really hope things start getting better for you. This is just a dumb phase.

An elderly man is a big dumb idiot who doesn't know anything about anything.

I'm a kind of American.

I didn't realize it was Charles Grodin until I saw his name in one of the reviews. I really like his performance.


Well he's making a point! Kind of! Hopefully this will all mean something! Anyway ignore me because the first episode is nice.

It's not a bad episode, it's just uncomfortable in places.

Aaaahh that second episode was less nice but hopefully it gets addressed

Louie is a really really nice show and I like it a lot.

But crutches are so much cheaper

Fine, I'll be the first to say it.

I wish I could :(

This will work well because, as we all know, racists are logical, reasonable people.

More like Kathleen Lose! More like Tim Whodat?

I mean National Comics

Whereas Spid(l)er-Man is owned by DC?

Now, I have'nt gotten around to watching a singel episode of Arrow yet, but: