Christopher Scott Knell

My veterinary doctor friend's guess: the egg started to calcify a little higher up in the repro tract than usual. Or perhaps a remarkably flaccid cloaca. Try to get that one out of your head

I'm assuming here, but... maybe the chicken didn't "pinch it off" like she should have...

@Googlo The Otaku Ninja: Flying off the Meditation Steps would be a real winning photo.... see what you can do to cause that to happen.

The only reason Android phones are higher in the national poll; is due to price... I'm sure there's alot of those buyers who wanted the iPhone but just didn't want to commit to the price and the contract. Or the lousy service...

Just in time for the AT&T exclusivity to dry up and have the Verison iPhone become available.... ahhhhh. Freedom!

# 1: Pocket Tunes... Includes Sirius Radio (with a subscription)

Been part of the 'crowd" for years... every time I feel one, I get an email from USGS asking me if I felt it...

@drgeelo: Can you please use that in a sentence?

@pnjdtplxiiiesq: Except there's no "Metro" in NY... It's a Subway. Maybe DC for the second one?

@iAmWillJ: Isn't there a AOL Instant Messenger for Windoze? We've been given the option to use our AIM logins in iChat from day 1.


Beck follower doing what Beck followers do.

@thePrototype: I tried out the Kodak Zi8 this summer (I actaully built a 3d rig using 2 of them) and I was amazed at the picture quality...

That is a brilliant use of Chatroulette for advertising.... I'm impressed.

And, once again, the blog that Apple reads most blows it for everyone.