
Yeah. How is this any different from, say, sales? You have to work 8-10 hours a day. You have to be upbeat all of the time. If you take time off, you risk losing customers. I understand that it’s difficult and likely very taxing, but would that guy trade his current life for a low-key $60k/year gig right now? I

I also never reached third base in high school.

I’m excited for the takes saying “SEE! THEY WEREN’T THAT GOOD!” from dipshits like Lambert.

That’s not Zukka.

It was really close between all three of them going into Final. They all gambled pretty much everything and the person who won just happened to leave the most change at the end. Wild.

Tough night for you, guy whose team has made four straight championship finals.

Also a Pens fan and also really wouldn’t hate seeing the Caps win. Rivalries are stupid and overrated and in this case wildly manufactured. The Caps have been good for a long time, and Ovi in particular has been a top-5 talent for more than a decade. I’d argue he’s the best goal-scorer I’ve ever seen in my lifetime of

Or a MAGA hat.

If I can come in, pick out designs, and then spend YOUR money to bring people in to fix it...Sure!

I honestly can’t tell if this is parody or not, which makes it the best brand of parody (if it is?)

People who come to the comments section of sites to complain about the contents of that very site are the Super Heroes of the Internet.


The White House Correspondents Dinner

I’ll be “that guy” - Fortnite is in no way, shape, or form better than TLoU. Popular =/= Good.

Quindarious Gooch was robbed.

Both of the Western Conference match-ups in particular. That game last night was breakneck speed. What a treat already, and we’re only 2-3 games into these. Imagine the Game 6's/7's we’re going to get.

I scrolled only to post the same thing. Look at the push he gets to move out forward a foot and “make himself big.” It’s incredible puck and situational awareness. If he doesn’t get out from underneath his crossbar, that’s a goal.

What I’m saying is: MAF forever.

The con was elaborate. First, a phishing email that appeared to be from Wells Fargo tricked her into entering her bank ID and password into a fraudulent website.

Seems like a great time to re-start Persona 5, Mike.