
“I know a thing or two about abusing Molly!”

I would consider giving it another go if I were bored one day and my friends would join up. 

Message my friends: “Hey, did you see Division put out a big update today?”
Them: (Exact quote) “Hard pass on Division forever.”

So I guess not.

I like this comment. It’s subtle.

It’s not awful, but it’s not very good. I get sent there for work once a year and it is consistently the most average and boring “major” city I set foot in semi-regularly.

Nashville: Good city.

that’s the joke dot jpg

“What the Browns didn’t say in that last tweet is that Whitehurst returned to the field to kneel the ball once and mercifully end the game, 33-13.”

Has someone saying “Counterpoint” ever been funny?

COUNTERPOINT: This is an overused trope.

Congrats! This comment has now been posted in every “Cheer for the ___ in the Playoffs” entry.

Don’t fuck up the narrative with your fancy “logic” and “reason” you twit.

+1 Holy Spirit

I’d argue that Cincy’s “competent passing game” was just Dalton throwing in the general area where Green was and Green making spectacular plays to get the ball. Andy Dalton is also kind of butt.

Most Kinja exchange of all Kinja.

I mean no disrespect by this, but that Crabby wallet looks (and is named) as though it was designed for a middle schooler. Are grown adults really using these things? I can’t imagine something more embarrassing than being somewhere important and pulling that monstrosity out of my pocket.

I mean no disrespect by this, but that Crabby wallet looks (and is named) as though it was designed for a middle

Don’t laugh: Coach Card Case. The quality is great - I’ve had mine for over two years and there’s nary a scratch on the thing. The wallet has kind of hardened to conform to the amount of cards I typically carry. I can’t even imagine how I used an old tri-fold wallet for as long as I did. Woof.

Don’t laugh: Coach Card Case. The quality is great - I’ve had mine for over two years and there’s nary a scratch on

I’m having a hard time getting over this. This article helps.

Same reaction for me. I feel like if I had eaten them in the blind I would have had no idea they were intended to be cheese flavored, but they were tasty none-the-less!

So, you’re probably done with it already?

One of my favorite games is to look up a random city in the UK and then scroll around on Google maps until I find a bunch of funny sounding towns around it. It usually takes about 7 seconds.