
I guess having grown up with Berman shades my view a bit, but I don’t mind him for some reason. He’s like your crazy, racist uncle. You don’t necessarily like him, and maybe he stole your girlfriend one time, but you just continue to tolerate him until they inevitably put him in a home.


Listening to Marchman try to describe this thing was worse than watching Hulk fuck.

It’s fucking beautiful. Really immersive. Almost unbelievably detailed. Unfortunately, the actual game doesn’t live up to any of it.

I like the part where you simultaneously imply that anyone good at video games is a basement-dwelling nerd, while also stating that you were once very good at FPS games. Also the “If you don’t know what teabagging is you have lived a better life” part, because some forms of entertainment are definitely better for you

Now playing

Dunkey’s The Division review is one of the funniest things I have ever watched on the ol’ internet machine.

Recommendations for an app to pair it with? I hear Torque is good. Should I get the paid version? I haven’t played around with it much.

Recommendations for an app to pair it with? I hear Torque is good. Should I get the paid version? I haven’t played

People in Pittsburgh do the same thing towards Ovechkin and it’s very confusing for me. Like, why? He’s the best goal-scorer of this generation and it’s probably not even close. So they boo him. When he was younger he had obnoxious celebrations and maybe a little more cockiness than he needed - much like Sid was

Remember when the Deadspin comment section was entertaining?

Added fun/difficulty/competitive-ness when played with the “Must be holding a beer at all times” rule.

Added fun/difficulty/competitive-ness when played with the “Must be holding a beer at all times” rule.

I was at a Reds/Pirates game once upon a time, and I caught a foul ball (off a deflection). I gave the ball to a kid in front of me, who proceeded to turn and immediately throw it towards the field. I was kinda pissed at the time, but I am even more so now because I didn’t get to be on GMA or Tosh.0 or anything cool.

Petr Nedved played as recently as the 2014 Winter Olympics for the Czech team, which is pretty wild considering he was drafted in 1990 - Three picks ahead of mutant-human hybrid ol’ Double J.

Is this in reference to the Salvage duping thing? For some reason, that irks me more because that was a blatant exploitation of a game bug to duplicate gear. Actually, now that I typed that out, maybe they’re not that different after all =/

Within the new system, you actually can hit the 335 cap by doing a variety of activities - including but not limited to PvP bounties of many sorts, Raids, the re-vamped Prison of Elders, and probably something I’m forgetting. The biggest QoL upgrade to me has been as someone who just genuinely enjoys this game at it’s

Coffee as in...Coffee Dad?

Same for me, but upgraded to the Qi model. I thought the first gen was near perfect and the newest gen somehow even improved upon that. Using a LG V10 my phone never rocks, never falls out, sits in the exact spot I want it, and charges without me having to do anything. I couldn’t recommend this product enough.

Same for me, but upgraded to the Qi model. I thought the first gen was near perfect and the newest gen somehow even

Doesn’t this take away from the fun of playing a game? There will always be newer and better gear and then the content that you skipped will be much easier and far less rewarding. The King’s Fall raid for TTK expansion is so good - you should really experience it now while it’s still moderately difficult and mentally

No. This is America. Choose black or white. You only get one opinion, pal.

All of these tweets are good, yes. None of these tweets are the best ever though. This one is:

/Doesn’t buy game