Christopher Mei

I'm 90% sure that AoS is one of the main reasons Inhumans was taken out from the movie line-up.

That made me laugh.

There's a reason why you had to go as super-specific as hammer-throwing. Lara has to run, jump, climb difficult terrain all around the world. She would be super fit and toned no doubt.

Wrong title, not realistic at all for physicaly fit people to have those shapes. Just look at athlete women to see realistic super-heroines.

This is almost patent-troll level generic. Even if Marvel really did somehow tell Granov to do a mechanized armor inspired by that (which seems extremely far-fetched), it's a completely generic concept.

They seem to be way too important actresses for too small a role, though I also don't see them as superhero types, especially Delpy. Maybe they're just important "civilian" roles like those shield executives from Winter Soldier.

Yeah, pretty boring episode. Only really good thing was the new kid. Update doesn't work, it's one of those things where everyone in the public imagined it but you, puzzled yet reasonable person that you are, think "no, of course they made audiitions and must know what they're doing"… and no, it sucked just like

I've been milking this joke for the last couple hours and I can't stop. DC, stop making it so easy to make jokes about your anti-joke policy, GIVE US A CHALLENGE.

Goodight, sweet prince. And with this and iTunes completely f*cking up the podcast feed, that's it for me and Apple for a while, I think. I'd have probably gotten at least another classic in the future, it's still unbeatable as a spacious music player.

Well, there was a scene that revealed something new but there's still pretty much two whole books of events.

Woah, they're really breathing down the neck of the books at this point. I know book readers are kinda pissed that it may overtake them but I'm kind of intrigued.

OT: I've seen your comments multiple times lately and you seem like a nice guy, why the mussolini avatar? I'm italian and it's kind of weird. Is it and ironic thing?

Not really, tho. Look at Borgia in Ezio's story, he didn't die at the end of AC2. Connor could lose, or win the assassins/templars struggle but not manage to kill Washington, or be forced to elave him alive for some reason. The story almost writes itself, it even had a basis in the AC2 extras with the whole Washington

The devs were also ridiculosly shy with the american side. For 80% of the game the main drive for Connor is kill Lee because he thinks he has destroyed his village. Then he discovers that washington gave the order… and nothing, that's it, killing Lee remains the main thing while you just never see Washington again

Also, Craig Mazin.

It also fixes another good character, Daisy Fitzroy. It feels a bit forced and "too little too late" but at least it tries. The twist on her was really the only major complaint I had on Infinite plot-wise, to make her a villain felt very gimmicky. Anyway, amazing DLC, I don't think I remember ever loving one so much,