Christopher Holloway

on the preview screen on netflix for the final episode, it has jacqueline and her love interest serving food up to people, I swear I didn't see that anywhere in the episode?

I couldn't remember if when daisy used her powers, it was coincidentally ALSO during a lunar event on the planet, which meant the portal was openable, otherwise when ward was asking/torturing them to find out how to get back through the portal( although the sound machine wouldn't suffer from fatigue) so they could

so what stops daisy, or the vibrating machine, to just keep the portals open constantly? when they rescued simmons daisy just started doing the tremor thing and it just opened?

in which case alex went her whole career without a single DEO employee saying "so sorry to hear about your father", or "glad to see your following in his footsteps", not a single mention of him, not an old employee of the month photo of him up on the wall.
I am at least glad it didn't turn into a major conspiracy with

I don't know if the show wants us to think alex is a terrible agent, or it just comes across that way, her disobeying and undermining henshaw got donovan killed, she then locks henshaw up and nearly gets herself killed (which would probably have lead to all the inmates being released), while not seeming to care how

if earth 1 henry allen was zoom, then professor wells's watch alarm would have gone off, which i was half expecting to happen

just like in the pilot, it does seem (with alex lying about her job and telling cara to stay non super) they feel one heartfelt conversation that ends with a hug and belief makes up for nearly 20 years of emotional manipulation

wasn't one of the main reasons mindy got rid of the nanny and went back to anette was because the nanny was against vaccines, but annete is also anti vaccine it seems?


Well on the episode where the Dr went into Danny's time stream, he didn't seem to realise Clara was related to him, at the time I thought that was just silliness to further the plot, but maybe Clara isn't relayed to any of Danny's offspring?

"a person! just like in the picture" loved Jeremy's reading of that line

see I just don't know if it will push anything forward ( though I do hope it does), i've said in comments elsewhere that either jess constantly expecting the worst from nick will end up causing serious relationship problems, or she will have to end up trusting him, otherwise they will just be treading water in my

I feel like I'm the only person who found that episode really dull and predictable, the jokes were good, but the first half of the episode where some of the gang get all competetive, and missunderstandings mean people are annoyed at other people, all coming together for a nice tumblr-worthy moment at the end between

seeing that side of schmidt was really nice, the dynamic between him and elisabeth was really good, hopefully we'll see more of her, and alfredo was awesome too. the rest of it was all pretty plain, the dragging out of the jess and nick thing is to me just boring now, it seems like the writers started with "will