Christopher Halkides

The WaPo story had much more factual information than the present one; some of it cast Mr. Turner in a more sympathetic light, but some of it had the opposite effect. One of the things I learned from the WaPo story was that Mr. Turner will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, a fact which may

His testimony is that they left the party together. Did other partygoers confirm or contradict this?

“was caught mid-rape...” Both this and the headline are sloppily written and incorrect; he was convicted of attempted rape.

“The posters—most of which were quickly torn down by members of the men’s basketball team—” Do you have a source for this information?

Yale has no power to declare anyone a rapist; only the criminal justice system can do that. Yale’s method of adjudicating sexual misconduct is designed to impede a robust defense. You may have a lawyer as your advisor but you must give four days’ notice before any meeting, and the advisor is prevented from performing

From The Oklahoman “She describes her attacker as white, between 35 and 45 years old, 5-foot-7 to 5-foot-9 inches tall, with a thick build and blond hair.” How does that describe Mr. Holtzclaw, who was in his late 20s at the time?

Spoken like a true authoritarian. Some of us prefer to do our own thinking.

“He had no right to discovery of exculpatory evidence.” This quote comes from a Newsweek article on the case, from 3/14/16. Bam.

One hopes that their critical thinking would extend to an examination of the process by which he was expelled. Yale discourages a lawyer’s being appointed as one’s advisor, and basically circumscribes the role of the advisor to little more than hand-holding. The committee lacks subpoena power, and there are no ethical

It is equally likely that they retain that belief but were told by lawyers to kowtow. Their statement is lawyeresque IMO.

They could not write Yale for legal reasons. It was not a protest.

Paul Nungesser was found not responsible by Columbia. Senator Gillebrand’s calling him a rapist was way out of line.

“Any Title IX Coordinator at the University (“Coordinator”) may bring a complaint to the UWC in three circumstances. First, a Coordinator may bring a complaint on behalf of a person who is not a current or former member of the Yale community, so long as (i) the respondent is a current Yale faculty member, trainee,

“’Only about one out of 10 cases ends in expulsion, and the decision to expel a student is made only after the most careful consideration, based on the facts and, when appropriate, disciplinary history,’ university spokesman Thomas Conroy said in a statement.” In effect Yale said, “We cannot tell you what he did or

Many of the comments here are basically arguments from authority. They are claims that the committee must have had knowledge of wrongdoing sufficient to merit expulsion. Yet the facts that were uncovered in the process and the reasons for their decision are not public knowledge. I accept that there are good reasons

“The Secretary will send a copy of the completed report to the parties and inform them of with the date and location of the hearing. The complaint and response, all documents relating to the complaint and response, and the fact-finder’s report will be provided to the hearing panel and to the parties. The hearing panel

You have said so much that is misleading, incomplete, irrelevant, or simply wrong that it has been difficult to list all of it in any one sitting. Long ago in this thread I explained what I did and did not mean by the participation of a lawyer (the key word is “meaningful”), yet you continue to pretend that I did not

Utter rubbish. When Montague went missing, at least one basketball blogger wrote about it. It was not his team but rather the Yale Women’s Center that all-but-identified the reason for his absence, and that gathered considerable attention. The notion that a university could expel the captain of its basketball team and

You wrote, “There is no suggestion here that the Title IX coordinator’s filing the complaint with the UWC was contrary to the complainant’s wishes.” There is more confused thinking in what you wrote in this paragraph than I can disentangle in one sitting, but I can at least assuage your ignorance about a couple of

“The complainant and then the respondent may make a brief statement of no longer than 10 minutes to the panel, and they may provide a written copy of their statements to the panel at the hearing.” The advisor can presumably help the respondent in these two aspects of the procedure, but that help is minimal to the