
Still prefer Richard Cheese's version.

I hope Ms. Quinn makes a crap-ton of money for this deal, agrees to every publicity thing from a book tour to a variety show, makes three more crap-tons of money and takes an instagram of herself sliding down her pile of money, Scrooge McDuck Style.

Any way I can get those five minutes of my life back?

Pretty much exactly like that, yeah.

I liked that song. Huh. Glad to see that sound has come back around.

Is that what EDM is? I kept seeing those letters in music discussion, thought maybe it was some kind of amplifier or something.

Well, I'm sure Mr. Luhrman has seen the South Bronx. From his cab going across the Cross Bronx Expressway, sure, but he's seen it. He knows.

Missed the where the 8 and the 5 meet in Point Loma (8 goes east, 5 goes north/ Merging nexus back and forth) from Diamonds on my Windshield. Probably should've just tagged the whole 5 freeway through San Diego County for that song.

You may have been blessed with the single best earworm of all time.

When I first started listening to Prince (1999 - the album, not the year), I picked up his whole back catalog. I was 12. Can't help but think this had some kind of effect on my development.

So, besides meth addicts, who actually gets to see these things as they air?