Christopher Calder

You are partisan. I treat both political parties equally because I think independently. I look at issues individually. Your argument was weak and your new arguments are even weaker.

It was on the news, with video and everything. You must be asleep.

That is not an argument. I do not support that either. The greatest amount of lawlessness and rude behavior has been on the Democratic Party side, not the Republican side. We all need to obey the law and be at least reasonably polite. When Obama won the election, there were no stories of Republicans in the

We all do not burn other people's property when we are young. That is mentally sick and clearly arson, not dissent. Beating people up and rioting in the street are not dissent either. Turning over parked cars and breaking store windows to let off steam is a criminal act. Peaceful marches in the streets are fine.

You are living in a hypocritical dream world. Such weak and dishonest posts will get you nowhere. That is one of the reasons the Democratic Party lost. They are totally divorced from reality. Many Republicans are the same way. I support specific issues, not individual candidates. Only people who cannot think for

99% of politicians are rotten people by nature. So, you want to prosecute everyone who voted for Bill Clinton too? Bill has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault and even rape. When honest people run for office, they get rejected by voters. As horrible as democracy is, it is far less horrible than

Arson is a crime and an anti-democratic act of violence. This website should be condemned for praising an arsonist.