Christopher Becker

"I’m exhausted watching her lift up Luke over and over again."

'If Wyatt is a player than how can he be part of a storyline?'

"That’s essentially what happens, as Ford gives Teddy a new storyline and a new history, including a psychotic former commanding officer and his gang of creepily masked murderers."

Strictly speaking, the Mr. Robot we see *isn't* Darlene's father. The show's made it abundantly clear that the Mr. Robot in Elliot's head is not identical to his father when he was alive.

That's my guess as well. If it's the Dark Army that's executing people, and Mr. Robot has been coordinating with them on Phase 2, it stands to reason that Robot wanted them to clean up the loose ends - everyone that isn't Elliot.

Agreed. I completely understand why Scott was infatuated with Ramona, but I never understood what (if anything) Ramona saw in him.

It's a story. A story that I often enjoy, but was unable to enjoy because of how poorly it was told tonight.

On the battle itself, I couldn't enjoy it. I wanted to, and there were a few times I almost got swept up in it, but the logistics just started making less and less sense. I refuse to believe that a pile of bodies that high, that long, and so perfectly shaped, could just *happen* on the battlefield, even if it was

"Why wouldn’t she tell Jon to wait? Why is she hiding this from Jon other than—and here’s where the meta comes back—ensuring that there’s an epic underdog battle that lets the show one-up itself?"

"Obviously, the reveal that the Children of the Forest created the White Walkers in order to fight off men is significant, but also something that doesn’t really change the conflict in any meaningful way (especially since I don’t know if the show has really done much to establish who the Children of the Forest are to

So that I didn't spread all of my nitpicking out across the entire comments section.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but when do they EVER count "real sins" as cinema sins? I've NEVER seen them do that before."

Then knock him for telling dumb jokes, not for misconstruing his not-really-criticism.

Complaining about the sin for Sherlock tampering with evidence just shows he is *completely* missing the point. Sinning Sherlock for committing a crime is not a commentary on the movie, it's not substantive criticism, and it's not meant to be. It's literally "A character did a sinful thing, so I am sinning him."

"Because he's introverted. How is this a movie sin?!"

"Cliche or not, this is entirely within the realm of possibility."

"But I guess they never realized 'sins' has an extremely negative connotation. Of all the words they could have chosen, sins is the least flexible."

"Why have a movie sin timer when Youtube tells you exactly how long a video is?"

No denying he's a smug little shit, but the conversation is literally:

"Ugh, Chuck mansplaining to Rebecca about Carol Burnett’s tug on the ear."