Christopher Barker

FACT: The only people who still think of Hilary Clinton are Trump supporters.


They’ll need it just to handle all of the party invitations.

Relentlessly mocking my enemies is one of the primary reasons I support a robust 1st Amendment. Come on out of the shadows! Speak your mind! Now stand there as I point and laugh and explain exactly why you’re so fucking stupid!

They misspelled the “accusers” name twice in that document! The “accusation” says that Mueller introduced himself by his full name to the “victim” then later says that she only learned his name when she saw him on TV. Plus it’s e-signed and not notarized so it isn’t even a statement under oath. I love everything about

NPR looked for this woman and can find no evidence that she exists. And that company phone number is Jacob’s Mom’s phone number - did she attend the presser? Jesus. They can’t even grift properly.

Some liberals might try to tell you that you shouldn’t have made fun of dude about his fly being unzipped but they’re wrong. Being incompetent losers who can’t even zip their pants up is a huge part of why these people are attracted to fascism in the first place. And while publicly shaming them for being incompetent

Yeah. You can tell that Little Caesar’s is semi-fresh, while DiGiorno is (not hyperbole) the second worst pizza that I’ve ever eaten. DiGiorno, along with rising frozen pizza costs and cheap take-out pizza options, made me give up on frozen pizza.

Their cheese is actually pretty good.  A moz/muenster blend (mostly moz?).  Would be better at 100% muenster, but that’s just me loving muenster.

Important enough? It’s the responsibility of the Congress to act as a balance against abuses of power by any President. Abuses of power include violations of various criminal laws and the constitutional responsibilities and requirements imposed on the President, of which there is evidence that should be enough to at

Hell, bribery is right in there explicitly. I can’t think how accessory after the fact to election fraud wouldn’t work. Or that pesky Emoluments clause that he’s clearly violated by receiving financial benefits from foreign nations (or we could go with any number of anti-corruption laws). If perjury was sufficient in

I didn’t realize that Obama requested that Iran attack the US. Oh, to be a microwave on the wall of those meetings.

Genuinely curious here: how so? The “treason” accusations are about denying that Russia did anything wrong, which the US intelligence community views as a fact. So, the allegation is that siding with Russia over the FBI, and denying an “attack against our democracy” by a foreign agent, is treason. What occurred during

What about cyber-warfare?

You mean aside from the meddling in foreign elections, funding the NRA, murdering journalists, polluting the internet with bots, invading Crimea, shooting down passenger airlines, anti-Semitism, homophobia, corrupt Athletic administration, destabilizing their neighbours and funding of murderous dictatorships?

Come on, that’s just a silly caption to use for that picture, and frankly insulting to the intelligence of a man who deserves better.

Why would you need to put a bug in the Oval Office, when you already have Twitter?

And that’s when it finally dawned on Jon Huntsman that he signed up to be a lackey for a Russian puppet.

You might be interested in Brad McQuaid’s next try at Everquest, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

I killed that Cyclops in Ocean of Tears. Man that was a blast. Called into work because I stayed up all night waiting for it spawn. Good times