Christopher Barker

I know for a fact that we were all told that “..Bernie is behind by 426 superdelegate votes..before we’ve even been to Iowa..”. How about the order of the primarys? How about the ridiculous scheduling of the debates.

Every Clinton supporter I knew was openly relieved when Comey made his first statement. I was the only one I knew who thought it was in fact a devastating pronouncement against Her. They all heard “ charges, alls well here..”..., while I CLEARLY took it as “you should not run Hillary Clinton”,I still can’t imagine

All the while claiming “I’m not racist, I don’t hate black peopl, I have a black friend...””It’s just that, well, it’s just that trump tells it like it is....

You may well be correct. We have friends in Indiana, who felt themselves aware of the issues, who claim that they never once saw anything showing trump mocking a disabled reporter.