
Pssssst, they died protecting the First Amendment right to free speech

Your investigating and writing on these issues is simply fantastic Diana. Please o please keep up the good work!

Whatever the case, Trump has the power to clarify it and everything else about the Russia story right now by declassifying whatever surveillance records exist of contacts between people in his orbit and Russia. If he and his associates did nothing wrong, he has every incentive to do so as soon as possible.

“Also AA and 12 step programs are an outdated relic that is great if you are a wasp heterosexual male in the 1930's.” Ummm, no. At my NA home group there are people of color, different backgrounds and sexual identities. “The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using.” Tradition Three.

It was the failure to use corrosion inhibitors that caused lead to leach from pipes. From Wikipedia...

Thank you Diana, another high quality work of journalism!!

Psssttt Merril, alcohol is a drug....

This is realistic...

I’m not a gun nut troll, I am in favor or realistic, enforceable gun legislation. Please tell me how you would sue and win against the manufacturer of a product that works as it was intended to, besides those ways that are in quotation marks in my first comment. Repealing that Act would do nothing and calling me bad

There are already laws on the books... from the Wiki page of the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act

But how would you sue the manufacturer of a product that works as it is supposed to?

Elephant in the room=alcohol