"Bitch(es) leave."
"Bitch(es) leave."
It will have a fancy wedding, anyway. (Because it can't cantaloupe, get it?)
As long as he's not proud of it.
I just started reading "A Loaded Gun" by Jerome Charyn. He portrays Emily Dickinson in a similar way to this movie, but goes WAY overboard. Still an interesting book so far.
I think The Spice Girls would be great at this job.
It's okay to move your lips while reading if you're reading aloud.
"My preshussssss…"
But you really shouldn't be laughing.
Also "consensual."
Try speaking Esperanto with a Klingon accent.
Don't obsess over that. Then you'd be an anal linguist.
They used the same sound for the aliens in "Aliens."
More like a hillbilly accent
An annoyingly long time, what with all the ads that loaded with it.
I have no problem allowing myself to admit that. The security guards were WAY out of line. BTW, everyone has a right to protest.
Right-I didn't even realize it could be two things!
Portland Oregon or Portland Maine?
I read a version of this story on an AOL news feed. I was surprised at all the hateful remarks (some of them directed towards the forcibly-removed passenger) in the comments section.