christopher peak


My father only drinks Amstel/Stella. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can someone explain to me why Beats headphones weren't included with the new 6 and 6+ ? Didn't make any sense to me to get the same shitty headphones.

World Star Hip Hop-Hop-Hop, amirite?

Hi Ash. ;)

Clean it up.

Ya. Hard to believe a story can be written about el Bulli thinking that it's still open. Little confusing, but okay.

porn couch like you read about.

Now playing

Have this on call as a driving song since the movie came out. But you missed one off the same soundtrack, " A Real Hero."

Do you think the police force/recruits has been watered down in the past 10-15 years? Meaning, you now have underachievers who take the civil service exam because their options, academically, are severely limited. Similar to military recruitment, i.e., lowering the bar, taking recruits who are over weight, not meeting

Works better set to "In Motion" from the Social Network.

looks like he has sea legs...

ia Writer Adam?